Sustainable System

It’s long been recognised that the complex needs system is broken and at the same time the city, while prospering, is leaving some people behind.

Aim: CoLab contributes to a fairer, more equal and inclusive system and city.

  • CoLab identifies priorities for focused joint work around key thematic areas

  • CoLab works with community, business and system leaders to respond more efficiently and effectively to local challenges

  • CoLab advocates for people who find it difficult to influence or participate

  • CoLab hosts, supports and facilitates cross sector and area working

  • CoLab representatives contribute to system and civic initiatives

Sustainable Community

It’s long been recognised that the complex needs system is broken and at the same time the city, while prospering, is leaving some people behind.

Aim: CoLab contributes to a fairer, more equal and inclusive system and city.

  • CoLab identifies priorities for focused joint work around key thematic areas

  • CoLab works with community, business and system leaders to respond more efficiently and effectively to local challenges

  • CoLab advocates for people who find it difficult to influence or participate

  • CoLab hosts, supports and facilitates cross sector and area working

  • CoLab representatives contribute to system and civic initiatives