
  • Sustainable System

    It’s long been recognised that the complex needs system is broken and at the same time the city, while prospering, is leaving some people behind.

    Aim: CoLab contributes to a fairer, more equal and inclusive system and city.

    CoLab identifies priorities for focused joint work around key thematic areas

    CoLab works with community, business and system leaders to respond more efficiently and effectively to local challenges

    CoLab advocates for people who find it difficult to influence or participate

    CoLab hosts, supports and facilitates cross sector and area working

    CoLab representatives contribute to system and civic initiatives

  • Sustainable Community

    Whilst the CoLab Community has a wealth of expertise, well developed relationships and some resource, there is a lack consistency of investment, evidence and system recognition.

    Aim: The multi-agency community response maximises expertise, resources and relationships, to strengthen and develop the Community.

    The structure, function and purpose of the Community Response is clear, and joint working arrangements agreed and implemented.

    The impact and value of the community response is clear and communicated across stakeholders.

    There are lead agencies and professionals for individuals strands of work

    Core roles and activity are resourced

    There is ongoing investment in relationships and collaborative working

    Visitors shape and participate in the delivery and development of the offer