Sustainable Model

The CoLab Model assumes that colocation, collaboration and joint working improves collective impact and outcome goals. We don't have consistent evidence to understand how the arrangements make a difference.

Aim: CoLab is able to understand and evidence the difference the CoLab model is making

  • We will work with our partners and funders to develop a set of performance and impact information that meets their needs as well as our own. A strong qualitative element from service users' perspective will be a part of this

  • Impact on visitors of model and site

  • Impact on stakeholders of working collaboratively

  • Impact on system and civic goals of having the CoLab hub

  • Evidence of impact and value informs service improvement and encourages investment

Sustainable Hub

Long term financial security and sustainably remains a challenge because of current funding and commissioning arrangements alongside a lack of clarity about the CoLab community offer. The lack of system wide response to complex needs results in people feeling unsafe.

Aim: CoLab is a safe, financially secure and sustainable.

  • CoLab provides a safe, accessible, inclusive Single Point of Contact for people with complex lives to experience compassionate, professional support information and guidance

  • CoLab Senior Leadership Team sets annual investment and sustainability targets and funding priorities

  • CoLab secures long-term funding relationships with key funders and commissioners

  • Funding obtained is clearly aligned to mission and priorities

  • CoLab is able to demonstrate the return on investment for each contract or grant

  • CoLab demonstrates impact and value on service development and system change